Sigurd Müller Vinhandel

Automation was a need for the Danish wine distributor Sigurd Müller Vinhandel in order to make a successful B2B webshop. Our D9A Kickstart for eCommerce was the solution!

Automation of data was a must for Sigurd Müllers Vinhandel

Automation was a need for the Danish wine distributor Sigurd Müller Vinhandel in order to make a successful B2B webshop. Our D9A Kickstart for eCommerce was the solution!

For Sigurd Müller Vinhandel (wine distributor) it is with ease of mind they now use Our D9A Kickstart for eCommerce to make sure that all data in their B2B webshop are correct. The solution makes them able to support their customers event better, without having extra manual tasks for the employees.

Sigurd Müller Wineshops gain from the collaboration: 

Competitive advantages from the increased customer service
Minimal maintenance due to the digital order flow
Increased overall customer satisfaction
"Having a webshop that works - with even a minimal workload - is very important for us."

Webshop increased business growth

Sigurd Müller Vinhandel needed a B2B webshop that ensured a digitial order flow. Our D9A Kickstart for eCommerce was chosen to integrate the DynamicWeb webshop and Dynamics AX.

Sigurd Müller Vinhandel currently serves +10,000 customers with only 35 employees. In a highly competitive market, the company needed to offer their customers a variety of additional services, without increasing the need for extra employees.

"We wanted a webshop that was integrated with our Dynamics AX, so we didn't have to manage data in two systems. At the same time, a webshop was a requirement for a number of our larger customers, and we chose a solution that could be used across all our B2B segments".

9altitudes educated Sigurd Müller Vinhandel about possible integrations between their Dynamics AX and DynamicWeb. Our D9A Kickstart for eCommerce was chosen for the task and thus Sigurd Müller Vinhandel has been able to build a webshop where their order flow is digitalized.

"We have largely avoided manual routines associated with our webshop".

An intelligent webshop

For Sigurd Müller Vinhandel, their webshop is an extra service they offer their customers. The 9A Webshop connector ensures control of both prices, terms of sales, etc. - and that data is only updated in one place.

"We have a webshop that collects all information directly from Dynamics AX. When the customer places an order via the webshop, it is placed directly into our order system, thereby ensuring that the terms of sales are always correct".

The webshop has been continuously expanded with more functionalities, so that new business needs are supported.

"Today, the solution also makes it possible for the customer's bookkeeping to see the agreements, view previous invoices, select periods for bank information etc. The fact that they can do it themselves without having to call us first is a big saving for many of our customers."

The webshop has also been expanded with e-learning options and the ability for the customer to design their own wine list. This means that the solution today handles additional services, beyond a traditional webshop. That makes it even more important to keep all information updated at all times.

"Our solution is no longer just a 'simple webshop' for our customers. Today, it supports a variety of functions for us and for our customers."

A good collaboration with dedicated 9altitudes consultants

With 9altitudes as a partner, Sigurd Müller Vinhandel appreciates the direct contact they have with their consultants and the flexibility it provides.

"It's easy to just get in touch with our dedicated consultants, because they know exactly how it's all put together in our solution. They know how it was made and why we made the decisions we did, and always get the tasks that we give them done."

About Sigurd Müller Vinhandel

Sigurd Müller Vinhandel is a leading wine distributor in Denmark - with 35 employees and customers across the country. 

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