Microsoft Guides

Microsoft Guides is an innovative, easy-to-use tool that uses augmented reality to provide step-by-step guidance to frontline workers. With Microsoft Guides, companies can empower their workers to complete tasks efficiently and accurately, improving productivity and reducing errors.

Transforming Frontline Work with Augmented Reality

Microsoft Guides is a powerful augmented reality tool that enables frontline workers to perform their tasks with precision and confidence. With Microsoft Guides, workers can access step-by-step instructions in real-time, reducing the need for lengthy training sessions and minimizing the risk of errors.

Why Microsoft Guides?

Hands-free operation

Microsoft Guides enables workers to complete tasks without having to refer to a manual or a supervisor, freeing up their hands to perform the task at hand. Workers can access step-by-step guidance hands-free, using voice commands or gestures.

Easy authoring
Microsoft Guides' easy authoring tools allow companies to create step-by-step instructions for their frontline workers quickly and easily. These tools enable companies to keep their guidance up-to-date and relevant, ensuring that workers have access to the latest information
Enhanced training
With Microsoft Guides, companies can provide frontline workers with immersive training experiences, reducing the need for lengthy training sessions. Workers can access step-by-step instructions in real-time, enhancing their understanding of the task at hand and minimizing the risk of errors.
Remote collaboration
Microsoft Guides enables remote collaboration, allowing companies to provide guidance and support to workers located in different parts of the world. Workers can access step-by-step guidance in real-time, enabling effective collaboration and problem-solving.

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