
Dataintegration - to support digital processes and eliminate manual routines. 

Our D9A Kickstart for Integrations can do much more than EDI

Furnipart decided to implement Our D9A Kickstart for Integrations for running EDI. However, they experienced that the module is a strong integration framework for Dynamics AX. At Furnipart, Our D9A Kickstart for Integrations has been a valurable part of the company’s digitalization process.

Furnipart's benefits from the collaboration:

Enhanced digitalization and support of the digital strategy
A closer cooperation with customers
9altitudes handles all areas of Dynamics AX

Data integration where errors are detected

Furnipart had two major customers who wanted to run EDI. It turned out to be the start of a series of process automations at Furnipart.

Our D9A Kickstart for Integrations was chosen as the integration engine due to its flexible and strong functionalities.

"The solution also catches errors if there are errors in the data received before registering in the system - and that was vital for us in choosing the right solution".

At Furnipart Our D9A Kickstart for Integrations is used for both EDI- and Excel orders, input of external part numbers and as an integration framework for the warehouse robotics as well as the company's Dynamics CRM solution. That's a win for Furnipart.

”We save time. We avoid mistakes. The Excel solution we have made has really been a big win for some customers. Having the opportunity to run EDI with our customers brings us closer to them”.

A valuable add-on module

Our D9A Kickstart for Integrations is an add-on module, installed in Dynamics AX. Therefore, Furnipart did not have challenges in choosing the module, even though they had another Dynamics AX supplier. Automatization of work processes, have been key to Furniparts succes. Finally they are ready for further digitalization.

“We believe that the concern of 'undetected errors' is what's holding other companies back from automating processes - but this simply does not happen when using Our D9A Kickstart for Integrations. The errors are detected!”.

About Furnipart

Furnipart is an international supplier of furniture handles and aluminium lists for the furniture and kitchen industies. 

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