9A Services Management

9A Services Management contains innovative functionality that enables service organizations to respond to rapidly changing market conditions.


Digital transformation is on the strategic agenda of many service providers. We support business service providers in their digital transformation with the Microsoft platform and our own solutions. We do this, among other things, by implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM and ERP) solutions.

Thanks to digital transformation, it is possible to maintain better relationships with customers and clients, make employees work more productively, improve internal processes and innovate services.

Innovate thanks to cloud technology

Thanks to Microsoft's innovative and flexible Cloud platform, it is easy for service providers to introduce new revenue models. In addition, you can collaborate with colleagues, customers, suppliers and external parties in a modern and innovative way. This allows you to offer more added value to your customer.


Field Service
Project Service
Work Orders
Visual Planning
Skill Matching
Project Management
Field Service app
Inventory management

(including sub-warehouses like service trucks)

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9A developed solutions

Did you know, that there exists more then 9 different solutions developed by 9altitudes? They are well-tested solutions that add value to your business by extending the functionality of strong solutions from PTC and/or Microsoft.

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