
Specialized in the design, manufacture, and repair of fans for the aerospace market, Safran Ventilation Systems has migrated its ERP software from version AX 4.0 to AX 2012.

Why was this project initiated?

The objectives of this migration to ERP Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 were: Support the company’s growth, Increase agility, Cover all needs (Supply Chain, Sales Administration, Logistics, Accounting, etc.) and Meet all interface needs, from the PLM software to payroll management.

What were the benefits of this migration to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012?

First of all, continuing to use Microsoft Dynamics AX as their ERP software reassured our teams because they never lost their bearings and have appreciated the improvements in the software.

In terms of functionality, employees now have a home screen that contains several shortcuts. There are also filters that can be configured as needed. For example, an employee who wants to launch manufacturing orders can simply click a button on the home screen to do that.

Another advantage is that the different classification levels can easily be managed when assembling technical equipment.

Finally, the Ex Arte solution has brought real added value. Today, Safran Ventilation Systems manages legal documentation in a fast, agile manner, including sales invoices, purchase orders, airworthiness certifications, and more.

“Moving to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 was a seamless transition.”

Nathalie Boschetti

Administrative and Financial Director

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