
Technord, specialists in the integration of industrial projects in electricity, automation and technology, decided to implement an ERP project with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

A group in search of agility

In 2017, Technord’s management decided to digitalize the group. Their processes were dated, and their IT tools were obsolete. It all started with implementing the ERP.

What was the scope? The top priority was project management, but other departments like finance, logistics and manufacturing were also included.

“Our goals was to improve the company’s performance, become more agile, and make Technord successful", says Michael Vantroyen, Chief Digital Officer.

A Digital Transformation Success Story with Microsoft Dynamics 365

There are lots of benefits for the sound system manufacturer, as the company was looking for a user-friendly, agile solution. Let's go through some of !

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a tool that’s “recent and functional, that helped employees improve their processes and their work,” says Michael Vantroyen, Chief Digital Officer. It took a year to master the solution, but by the end of it a common dynamic had been created. A CRM had been implemented, invoicing had been digitalized, and the vehicle fleet was being managed along with many other projects through the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform.

Nadia Messaaoui, Chief Financial Officer, applauds the traceability, clarity and reliability of information, which is accessible in real time.” Pascal Demaret, Logistics Key User, used to be frustrated by the “lack of consistency between reality and what the computers showed.” Now, the traceability of materials lets employees know precisely where items are.

What was it like working with the 9altitudes team? “An extraordinary experience!

The 9altitudes consultants were competent, experienced and motivated. They managed to incorporate the group’s requirements into the ERP. Technord employees particularly appreciated their responsiveness and agility.

“This tool has been a revelation. I’m very happy with the results obtained in reporting”

Nadia Messaaoui

Chief Financial Officer

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