More than 750 consultants speaking your industry language

  • 27/01/2022

If we compare with over a decade ago, our consultants were our customers’ hero if they were able to automate manual tasks with a single business application.

Per today, the majority of our customers are digital natives, having more and more lived in a world where digitalization is just there, information technology has become a commodity. Just as streaming water, electricity or gas. Who can imagine a company running smoothly without the internet today? Every organization becomes a digital organization. In the last couple of years, this is combined with appification and cloud technology evolving at an amazing pace. As a consequence everybody and everything is always connected. This has become a truth, or even more, just the new normal. 5G will be the next game changer!

Hence our customers gradually raised the bar on expectations towards our implementation consultants. They should be both digitalisation minded as well able to execute, but also understand very well the business processes of the industry our customers are operating in. Our consultants need to understand the day-to-day life, the day-to-day challenges of our customers’ companies. Hence why 9altitudes decided years ago to specialize, to focus on targeted industries. As of today, our delivery and sales teams deeply understand the working of a manufacturing company, of a wholesale & distribution or a services company.

"... our customers gradually raised the bar on
expectations towards our implementation consultants."

Gradually we learned that besides the stability, the innovation and reliability of the world-class proven platforms of our main vendors Microsoft and PTC, small buckets of functionality were missing to bring our customers "on cloud 9" in their specific industry. There is no one-size-fits-all business application that fits every industry. To be ready for the digital future of tomorrow, our customers don’t want to miss the flexibility, the scalability and speed in which Microsoft and PTC platforms are evolving. But they want also a solution for their industry-specific needs.

We added to our consultancy teams industry experts and people coming from our focus industries, who have a genuine interest in the digitalization of tomorrow. This unique combination of business knowledge with IT knowledge allows us to better understand the needs of the industry and foresee the needed workflows and solutions for the industry challenges.

As we focus on particular industries, our consultants increased their experience to combine digitalisation skills with industry knowledge. It allows us to enrich those platforms and make them industry specific. Where needed, 9altitudes develops industry specific 9A solutions on top of those platforms or suggests and implements the best of breed solutions for particular areas built for our customers’ specific industry. Other examples are industry-specific configuration of those platforms and infusing best practices for our focus industries. We avoid reinventing the wheel and spread the industry knowledge through our consultancy community. This results in providing superior customer experiences.

"This unique combination of business knowledge with IT knowledge allows us
to better understand the needs of the industry and foresee the needed workflows
and solutions for the industry challenges."

We can proudly state that our consultants are able to kickstart a digitalisation project in our focus industries, and extend the platforms from Microsoft and PTC to go the extra mile of industry execution. Our consultants can deliver thorough end-to-end industry-specific platforms using capabilities of the broader Microsoft and PTC stack, accelerating time to value.

The new 9A heroes for our customers are going beyond merely automatization with a single business application. They can realize a digital thread, spanning multiple departments and disciplines, letting flow data in a digital way through an organization and speak the language of the industry. It is just in their D9A.

- Written by Patrik Luca, Go to Market Director at 9altitudes

Patrik Luca

Corporate Go To Market Director

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